What Is A Therapy Degree?

What Is A Therapy Degree?Those interested in pursuing a therapist position commonly ask, what is a Therapy degree? Therapy Degree programs prepare individuals to help others and improve their lives. Therapists are healthcare professionals who offer various types of mental and physical health services to clients.

Many people interested in this professions start with earning a bachelor’s degree in psychology or related area and then pursue a master’s degree in a specific type of therapy. The various therapy degrees include a physical therapy degree, occupational therapy degree, art therapy degree, respiratory therapy degree, music therapy degree, and substance abuse therapy degree. In most programs students learn human growth and development and ways to provide therapy to clients. The majority of programs require clinical rotations or internship experiences. There are a variety of options including online Therapy Degree programs.

Resource: The Top 10 Best Online Therapy Degree Programs

How To Find The Top Therapy Programs

When looking for the best Therapy programs, it is important to consider numerous aspects that make some programs better than others. The most important factor is if a college or university is accredited. The majority of schools proudly display their accreditation on the homepage of their official website.

Another crucial aspect is an institution’s ranking. The U.S. World and News Report rank many different schools and their undergraduate and graduate programs. Individuals may want to begin their search by visiting the websites of authoritative organizations that rank colleges and universities. Examples of the top rated therapy degree programs include the University of Southern California, University of Delaware, and Texas Women’s University.

Other factors a student may want to consider include the types of therapy majors a school offers, tuition, financial aid, faculty, and availability of distance learning programs. Many schools offer therapy programs either entirely online or a combination of online courses with campus-based requirements. Utica College is an institution with some of the best online Therapy programs.

Careers and Salaries For Individuals With Therapy Degrees

What is a therapy degree going to do for you in terms of a career? People with a therapy degree have a wide range of career opportunities in all specialties. Those with a physical therapy degree can pursue jobs as a physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, recreational therapist, or chiropractor. An occupational therapy degree can lead to a career as an occupational therapist aide, occupational therapist assistant, occupational therapist, or medical and health services manager.

Therapy salaries vary depending on what type of specialty and other factors that influence pay include education, experience, and location. For example, the physical therapy salary for individuals working as a physical therapist ranges from $64,512 to $85,987. As the demand for a variety of therapy services rises, a positive job outlook for all types of therapy careers is expected.

There are some key differences when it comes to what each level of education offers. The Master’s level provides individuals with the basics they need to aid people in various forms of practice, including therapy. Those with just a Master’s degree often cannot prescribe medication to those that might need it, so they might serve those needs indirectly by writing a recommendation to a client’s doctor. In order to prescribe medication one must hold a doctorate and be a licensed Psychologist. Regardless of whether or not you are interested in becoming a licensed psychologist, or just a practicing therapist/counselor, one thing is certain, you will need a Master’s degree in some area of therapy.

Types of Therapy Degrees

This list of ten of the best Master’s degrees available detail what is available to those that either wish to practice right out of the gate, wish to go one to pursue their doctorate, or some blend of the two. Each of these top therapy degrees has a short description, stating what its focus is, and what sets it apart from the other programs. The best degree for you is the one that best suits your needs and as far as Master’s degrees go, these are the best available.

M.S. Psychology -General Psychology

A Master of Science in Psychology is one of the top therapy degrees that provides the student with a broad knowledge base covering many different aspects of the field. Students with this degree often go on to pursue a doctorate degree but there are many opportunities for those holding a M.S. in Psychology.

M.S. Clinical Psychology

The M.S. in Clinical Psychology is a strong option for those wishing to operate in a clinical setting as a therapist. The focus on the degree is on practicing psychotherapy over a long term aiding clients in dealing with anything from depression to other mental health issues, or aiding them in dealing with traumatic life events.

M.S. Psychology -Applied Psychology

The M.S. in Applied Psychology focuses on the application of psychology to a specific context. This can mean the application of psychology and practice of therapy in a corporate setting, or working with people suffering from specific mental illness. The Applied Psychology track allows the student to focus on applying psychology to a particular context that most interests them.

Master’s in Social Work

Counselors often double as Therapists and the Master’s in Social work degree is one of the top therapy degrees available to those looking to operate as a therapist with a Master’s level education. The trademarks of this degree are its versatility and strong applications to a wide variety of fields and contexts.

Master’s in Counseling Psychology

Another strong option for those wishing to work as a counselor/therapist is a Master’s in Counseling Psychology. Instead of offering the broader overview that some of the psychology degrees offer, this program focuses on the psychology of counseling. The student learns different techniques and methods, not just of diagnosing mental health issues, but also of treating those specifically through the application of counseling over a long period of time.

M.S. Clinical Counseling

The M.S. in Clinical Counseling covers the application of counseling techniques and methods in a clinical setting. It is a perfect degree for those wishing to simply operate as a counselor or therapist with a Master’s level education. This program also provides a strong basis from which to pursue doctoral programs should the student wish to extend his or her education and broaden the range of their possible practice.

Master’s in Sports Psychology

Athletes and coaches rely heavily on therapists and sports psychologists as they need professionals that understand both mental health and the intense pressure under which athletes and coaches operate. As one of the top therapy degrees, a Master’s in Sport’s Psychology provides a unique understanding of these pressures and circumstances which is invaluable when things inevitably go wrong. Sports Psychologists can aid athletes and coaches with everything from getting through a slump, to handling the fame that comes with success in the world of sports.

Master’s in Marriage and Family Counseling/Therapy

In this day and age one of the most difficult things is cultivating a successful marriage. Divorce rates are at an all time high and it is causing problems both for adult individuals and children. Marriage and Family Counselors and Therapists are needed on many different levels. They can aid a couple in saving a marriage at risk and can also help individuals process and deal with the pain of divorce. They also help both adults and children process grief in the case of the loss of a loved one.

M.S. in Mental Health Counseling

This degree is focused on training counselors and therapists that can work with people in a variety of settings in which mental illness is more common. Mental health counselors are on the front lines working with various communities and institutions from community centers to hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Mental Health Counselors provide therapy for those that need it, but also serve as a sort of triage, helping those they can and directing those they can’t to somebody that will be able to help them.

M.S. in Addiction Counseling

Addiction Counselors and Therapists work specifically with people struggling with various forms of addiction. Whether it be alcohol, drugs or sex, the addiction counselors are experts on how addiction works and how to fight it. Addiction counselors or therapists often work in specialized settings that are devoted to aiding people in their fight against addiction.